Learning with Tom

Everything I ever wanted to say to financial regulators (and more)

Everything I ever wanted to say to financial regulators (and more)

I don’t really have time to blog this, but I had to post it anyway. Jim Cramer is the whipping boy, but really this is a message meant for CNBC. I would add that the same shout out should go to our financial regulators. Be warned that Jon Stewart drops a couple F-bombs in the clip, but just like the ones used by the US military, these babies are laser guided and hit their targets with amazing precision. Anyway, here is everything I ever wanted to say (and four letters more) to all those financial regulators who have been asleep at the switch. It’s more likely that they have been sleeping with the big businesses they were supposed to regulate — sleeping on huge a pile of 401K retirement money. In either case, wake up Sleeping Beauty. You’re just in time for a depression.

3 thoughts on “Everything I ever wanted to say to financial regulators (and more)

  1. kathy

    Did you know about the repeal of the Glass-Steagal act under Clinton?
    Have you seen the trade deficit numbers in the past 10 or so years?

  2. Bob Caswell

    But now that it’s been said, now what do we do? 🙂

    Btw, Tom, where have I been? Been missing some good blog posts from you; your blog fell off my RSS reader for some reason. Readded!

  3. Tom

    @Bob Caswell
    Welcome back Bob! And good question! I suggest buying up big ticket items with all your spare cash. Stuff that retains its value and can be resold when the hyperinflation hits. I wonder how much Chinese Yuan currency you can buy with your credit card… Their government sets the exchange rate at a fixed amount. Maybe Obama will end up having to do the same thing with the dollar 🙂 (BTW, Have you seen the Everything’s amazing but nobody’s happy clip? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LoGYx35ypus)

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