Learning with Tom

That was fast…

That was fast…

Well, shiver me timbers! It looks like the first 2D barcode game was called QR-Kill and took place about a year ago in Barcelona. (Have you ever noticed how everything cool happens in Barcelona?) Thanks to Leo Gaggl of BrightCookie.com for pointing this out to me. And while the more generic name is 2D barcode, I think most people are using a certain type called a QR Code. I found a free QR code generator (from that same group in Barcelona). I can see how this could make for some really fun games. Here’s an example of how you could set up to play a game of SMS tag:


As fun as that would be, I want to set up a game where some of the codes give you text clues (up to 100 characters per QR code), others call you back with a recording, and still others allow you to track what items you have picked up so you can solve more complex games — including instructional games. I also wonder how to support multiple languages. For now it seems each language would need it’s own QR code.

Anyway, here are some links to QR code readers. To download them visit any of the following websites from your cell phone’s browser:

Thanks to the QRcode.es group for making this info available!

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