Scott Dennis and I presented at NorthWest eLearn in Vancouver, WA last Thursday and Friday. As usual, I threw my slides on SlideShare before the presentation. On Sunday I got an email telling me my prezi was “hot” on SlideShare. 5300 views later I am wishing I spent a little more time on those slides, but glad so many people have been exposed to the great work being done by the faculty of the Washington State colleges. The first 42 shareable courses of Open Course Library will be available on October 31, 2011. These course materials have already saved WA students hundreds of thousands of dollars. And we’re just getting started. Can’t wait to share it at the 2011 Open Education conference next week.
Going Open: Lessons Learned from the Open Course Library
View more presentations from Tom Caswell
- WA Representative Chris Reykdal at the Textbook Rebellion
- How To Protect Your IP Through Open Licensing (Thoughts on Pearson’s OpenClass LMS)
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Curae; Morbi posuere magna massa, sit amet lacinia libero. Cras et arcu
vel nulla vestibulum semper in cursus lorem.CaPRéT Demo Source : License: Author: MIT Office of Educational Innovation and Technology and Tatemae
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc vehicula,
orci sed convallis consequat, erat tortor lacinia ipsum, non scelerisque
erat urna sed orci. Nullam vitae mauris urna, ac volutpat tortor. Sed
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ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia
Curae; Morbi posuere magna massa, sit amet lacinia libero. Cras et arcu
vel nulla vestibulum semper in cursus lorem.CaPRéT Demo Source : License: Author: MIT Office of Educational Innovation and Technology and Tatemae
Tom, why I’ve found the announced it was too late? I totally interested to open learn from the open course library. Can you please give me a chance to join this course?