From the Digital Media & Learning competition website: This Competition focuses on building digital badges for lifelong learning. The Competition is designed to encourage individuals and organizations to create digital tools that support, identify, recognize, measure, and account for new skills, competencies, knowledge, and achievements for 21st century learners wherever…
Why every college alumni association should care about their school’s LMS
A comment left by Andy Duckworth on my last post got me thinking about how a more open, persistent LMS might be as beneficial to institutions as it is to students. Andy’s favorite feature of the Instructure’s Canvas LMS is “the ability for students to create groups that can persist…
Recent celebrations…
Sorry if this comes off as bragging, but I am very grateful for all the media mentions and other opportunities that have come my way over the past couple months. I’ve decided to do a brain dump here before I forget everything. Here we go: 1. MIT, USU, eduCommons, and…
Dear Google…
(Note: This blog post is meant to be read while listening to Midnight Oil’s “Sell My Soul.” Dear Google, I just want to say thanks for the wonderful Buzz you have given me. Not that you haven’t already cached and parsed every tweet I ever made on Twitter, but Buzz…
You can’t steal it. I’m giving it to you.
Looks like something was Stollen, originally uploaded by caswell_tom. I share all my flickr photos freely under a Creative Commons attribution-only license. If you don’t know what this means I’ll sum it up for you: You can’t steal my photos because I am already willing to share them with you.…