Over the weekend I got involved in a quick Yahoo Pipes project to aggregate Gustav-related volunteering and housing posts from craigslist. We may have escaped the worst from Gustav, but with other hurricanes already threatening, we are trying to stay mobilized to help in other areas. The idea now it…
Superbrowser: Google Chrome is on its way
Chrome is coming! Google’s open source browser project, is coming out in Windows beta. This comic by Scott McCloud, creator of the classic Understanding Comics, does a nice job of explaining the technical details. Here is a brief summary: Extreme tab makeover: Instead of traditional tabs below the address bar…
Using Web 2.0 to prepare for Gustav
Today I saw a tweet from Andy Carvin (of NPR fame) that got me involved in a quick Yahoo Pipes project to aggregate Gustav-related volunteering and housing posts from craigslist. I didn’t do much, but now there is a big long feed of housing offers and volunteering opportunities on the…
Blogging for democracy
So Barack Obama announced his veep pick via text message (although he was a bit late on Twitter). In many ways technology is changing the face of politics. My current favorite is blogging. I find it fascinating how stories from personal blogs bubble up to the top and become visible…
National Center for Edtech Research Announced
Glad to see the field getting a boost like this. This promises to be a really positive step for US education. http://www.pbs.org/teachers/learning.now/2008/08/new_national_center_for_edtech.html This past week, President Bush signed into law a bill that will establish a new national research center for studying digital technology and learning. The center aspires be…